Logical Framework¶
Stage & Goal | Output | Activities | Output Indicators |
1.1 Implementer is well prepared | Implementing organization and partners fully understands and are prepared to implement a CAV program | Implementing organization fully understands CAV. Visit previous CAV project areas, agree on roles of partners and general activities - Feasibility Study | Checklists and report provided |
Conduct a Risk & Benefit Assessment | Risk and Benefit Report | ||
Map out Potential Collaborative Assistance Programs | List of other programs and potential for in-kind or financial support identified | ||
1.2 Technology is well prepared | Vouchers / Ledger system and microservices in place | Core Service and their Providers are identified | MoU developed with CSPs for training, technical services and arbitration |
The CAV ledger is securely distributed and can be accessed by many CSPs (ideally a server (node) can be run by the Implementing Organization) | List of Ledger Nodes locations and operators | ||
Dashboards for monitoring program info is available | Transaction and registration data is displayed and user information is protected | ||
Interfaces to the ledger (wallets) are made available or paper vouchers are printed | Use case testing demonstrated | ||
Customer Service Center in place | CAV users can call the center for more information | ||
2.1 Situation Analysis and Regional Stakeholder Engagement | Stakeholders Identified | Regional Stakeholders are Identified | List of Stakeholders |
Introduction to regional authorities | Letter to regional authorities | ||
Implementer presents concept to Stakeholders and plans for a workshop | Presentation report | ||
2.2 Regional Stakeholders feel included and prepared | Joint Implementation Plan developed | Inception visit to target area - assessment and mapping | Inception visit report |
Workshop with Regional Stakeholders on geographical coverage, validate targets, discuss criteria/conditionality for community participation and design implementation plan | Number of project sites/wards/communities targeted, general implementation plan | ||
Develop a selection criteria for CAV implementing communities (Screening survey) | Screening Survey Developed | ||
2.3 Prepare to understand the local economy and measure impacts | Screening and baseline are conducted | Perform Screening survey for valid CAV implementing communities / groups | Screening Survey Deployed |
Perform in depth Baseline survey for Communities that match the screening | Baseline Survey created and deployed | ||
Spending Journals are distributed inorder to monitor national currency and voucher spending | Report showing distribution | ||
Regional and Programmatic Stakeholders informed | Reports from surveys and site selection shared with stakeholders | ||
2.4 All materials and tech are appropriate for target communities | Localization of Materials and Voucher systems | Changes suggested for training materials or software of the Core Service Providers | List of changes to be made agreed upon by Implementer and CSPs |
Changes to core services made and reviewed inline with general implementation plan | Review and Testing of any changes made to training materials or software | ||
3.1 Harmonious Implementation with clear community ownership and sustainability | Community Sensitization | On boarding/Training of Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) - Local field agents/volunteers | Roster of ToTs and evidence from training |
Sensitization of local stakeholders and community leaders | Reports from stakeholder meetings and testimonials | ||
Sensitizing of community groups that will create their own Community Asset Voucher. Registration of community members into the CAV of the Core Service Provider as part of training | Reports from community meetings. Number of active users in the solution, segregated by male, female, boys and girls (under 15) | ||
CAV Groups design their Voucher and sign Voucher creation agreement with local elders and Core Service Providers | Economic Commons Membership and Service Agreements signed | ||
Unique Community Asset Vouchers are created and distributed to Group's members as per the agreements | Proof of delivery on ledger system - report from CSP | ||
3.2a The greater community around the CAV Issuing group understand and accept the CAV | Community Mobilization (can be concurrent with 3.2b) given adequate capacity | Develop plan and criteria for enrollment of larger community | Plan report |
Train mobilizers on community engagement (community training, theater and user to user braiding) | Training reports | ||
CAV Issuing Group members enroll 5+ community members each | Number of active users in the solution, segregated by male, female, boys and girls | ||
Outreach for stakeholder support (local governments (education), businesses (CSR), etc) | Outreach report | ||
Educational Materials, Posters and SMS. Providing communities with information about CAVs and the program. | Dissemination reports, photos and SMS logs | ||
3.2b The community has the capacity to redeem a meaningful amount of Vouchers for needed goods or services | Capacity Development & Cash and Voucher Assistance is implemented | Identify/review ways to support the CAV Issuing Groups to increase their capacity to redeem and issue vouchers (CAVs) through Income Generating Activities (IGAs) | Proposal Created |
Support IGA development and relevant training | Procurement and training reports | ||
Monitor increases to productive capacities of the group | Monitoring Reports and Proof of capacity increase | ||
Support CAV Issuing Group to decide on how much to increase their Voucher supply based on new capacities | New Economic Commons Agreements | ||
Additional CAV vouchers are created and distributed to members or to greater community | Proof of delivery on ledger system - report from CSP | ||
Review / Identify vulnerable people in the region with stakeholders | Report on target vulnerable populations | ||
Given adequate capacity - purchase of CAVs from Issuing Community for distribution to vulnerable people in the area | Proof of delivery on ledger system - report from CSP | 4.1 Ability to measure the impact of the program and make suggestions for improvements | Monitoring and Evaluation Inline and Endline | Continuous monitoring of digital data | Reports from data dashboard |
Inline Surveys conducted monthly | Report showing impacts and donors and stakeholder reports | ||
Endline Survey | Report showing impacts and donors and stakeholder reports | ||
Spending Journals are collected | Report showing any changes to national currency spending | ||
Final analysis on all surveys and data to show impacts | Report showing impacts and donors and stakeholder reports | ||
Best Practices reported | Report on lessons learned |
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