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CIC Implementation Team Guide

Implementation team development is a collaborative effort between supervisors and team members (staff or volunteers) to align individual goals with the overall direction and mission of the implementation of CICs in the community. Development efforts are focused on building the capabilities of all team members. Episodic and spontaneous team members also receive regular feedback from their supervisors.

You are a great fit to be a CIC implementation team member, if:

  1. You care about the wellbeing of your community in the long run and aim to create economic prosperity for all
  2. You are self driven and can work unsupervised
  3. You are adaptable and can improvise in various situations
  4. You have great people skills and can communicate respectfully and effectively with community members of all ages
  5. You understand the major financial issues plaguing your community
  6. You have an understanding of the economic activities that take place in the area
  7. You have basic knowledge of how to set up and run various IGAs
  8. You are willing to learn about localization of trade and local economics

Team member training

Team members and staff should have equal access to training for equivalent positions. All team members must go through Red Cross orientation. Team member development is a collaborative effort between Grassroots Economics, Red Cross or other Implementing Agency, supervisors and team members to align individual goals with the overall direction of the implementation of CICs. Development efforts are focused on building the capabilities of all team members. Developmental activities may include both hands-on projects and formal training.

Communicating with the Team Supervisor

A department supervisor is responsible for maintaining regular communications with the Team members regarding their status and is responsible for the timely provision of all necessary paperwork to the Operations Manager. The Team member Management Unit should be informed immediately of any substantial change in the work or status of a team member and should be consulted in advance before any corrective action is taken. Each team member should be provided with information for contacting their supervisor regarding queries or concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These are necessary for team members to understand and internalize. They can be found on the docs page here.

Reimbursement for Approved Expenses

Team members may be eligible for reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred while undertaking business which have been approved by the Program administrator. Team members should check with their supervisors regarding specific reimbursable items and prior approval must be obtained from a supervisor. All team members authorized to use their personal automobile for official travel may be reimbursed at a predetermined rate. The expense report should show mileage for point-to-point travel. Reimbursement on a mileage basis is expected to reasonably cover all out-of-pocket costs of operations except for parking and tolls, which should be listed separately on the expense report, regardless of amount.


Team members assume diligent responsibility for their attendance and promptness. Team members who are unable to come to work or who will be late should notify their supervisors at least two hours prior to their scheduled start time. Frequent absenteeism or lateness that is unexcused or excessive may result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation.

Workplace Safety and Security

In order to provide a secure, safe and healthy work environment for team members, there should be periodical training to provide information to team members about workplace safety, PSEA, health, and security issues. This can also be done through regular internal communication means such as meetings, memos or other written communications. Team members are discouraged from bringing large amounts of cash or other personal valuables to work unless absolutely necessary. Some of the best safety improvement ideas come from team members. Those with ideas, concerns or suggestions for improved safety and security in the workplace are encouraged to bring them to management’s attention so that the safety and welfare of all team members can be improved. Team members should feel free to report, without fear of retaliation, any condition which they believe poses a safety, health or security risk in the workplace. The Implementing agency will investigate such reports promptly and thoroughly and take appropriate corrective action. Further, any comments or jokes regarding threats of violence will be taken seriously, and dealt with appropriately and promptly. Each team member is expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities. Team members must immediately report any unsafe condition to their supervisor. Team members who violate safety standards, who cause hazardous or dangerous situations, who fail to report where appropriate, or fail to remedy such situations, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including separation. In the case of accidents that result in injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear, team members should immediately notify their supervisor.

PSEA sensitivity, training and awareness

Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA): Team members are encouraged to be aware of prevention strategies, reporting mechanisms and sensitivity training of sexual exploitation and abuse. Team members are required to complete this module.

Nepotism and Fraternization

For purposes of this policy, “relative” is a spouse, significant other, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or corresponding in-law or “step” relation with whom the team member has a relationship. If, in the opinion of the Implementing Agency, an actual or apparent conflict or favoritism arises as a result of a relationship or marriage, one of the team members will be reassigned or team member involvement will end within 90 days if no reassignment is available. This policy applies to all categories of team member assignments.

Confidential Information and Intellectual Property

The implementing agency has sole entitlement and copyrights to any intellectual property that is conceived or developed by team members, employees and its agents during the course of service. All registered team members and employees are required to sign a Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Agreement as a condition of team member involvement.

Data Protection and Privacy

Protecting individuals’ Personal Data is an integral part of protecting their life, integrity and dignity. The right to privacy has long been recognized globally as a human right, while the right to Personal Data protection is a relatively recent human right that is closely connected to the right to privacy and sets forth conditions for the Processing of data of an identified or identifiable individual. This is why Personal Data protection is of fundamental importance for Team members working in communities. More information about classification of sensitive data, how to handle it and the governing frameworks can be found here.

Code of Conduct

Certification and Disclosure I, (Name of Team Member) certify that I have read and understand the Code of Conduct of the Implementing Agency and agree to comply with it, as well as applicable laws that impact the organization, at all times. Disclosure of Actual or Potential Conflicts: I affirm that, except as listed below, I have no personal, business, or financial interest with any organization that conflict, or appear to conflict, with the best interests of the Implementing Agency: (Name of Implementing Organization)

Future Actual or Potential Conflicts: At any time during the term of my employment or team member status should an actual or potential conflict of interest arise between my personal, business, or financial interests and the interests of the Implementing Agency, I agree to: a. Disclose promptly the actual or potential conflict to the chair of my unit, the executive of my unit, my department head, or the General Counsel, as applicable; and b. Until they approve actions to mitigate or otherwise resolve the conflict, refrain from participating in any discussions, deliberations, decisions or voting related to the conflict of interest.


Last update: 2025-03-26
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