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Community Statement

Community members are extremely important - your input and support is needed to make these tools useful and change the world. Below are some key roles that make up the community:

  1. Practitioners and community groups: Are you working on or gettign started using a Community Asset Voucher or Commitment Pool? Hats off - you rock! Let's compare notes!
  2. Technical engineers: Are you able to make technology work better? We need you so much!
  3. System administrators, field & support engineers: Are you maintaining, building, training?
  4. Educators, writers & speakers, content designers and artists: People need to understand and own Economic Commons and their Instruments. We need so much help on content and getting the word out there that economic alternatives exists and work!
  5. Translators: This is all in English right now! HELP!
  6. Researchers: How do we know what we know? Please help us study the impacts of these programs and improve them! The study of resource coordination by groups needs to be developed more and more.
  7. Grassroots economists: Are you able to curate great people and their services into living economic-ecosystems?
  8. Lawyers: You are so important to making sure these next generation legal systems stand on solid foundations. Formalizing ancentral wisdom and indigenous practices is a must.
  9. Volunteers and activists: Come support and share with a Community in transition in person in Kenya and abroad.

..and more: If you don't see where you can help, PLEASE contact us: and check out our:

Renumeration, bounties and rewards

Organizations such as Grassroots Economics Foundation identify digital assets, Community Asset Vouchers and community bounty programs to support these efforts based on available funding from grants. Note that this is a growing field and many organizations like the Red Cross have been and are seeking more and more people in this field because of the impacts they see on the ground. Changing the world's economic systems will not be affordable within the world's current economic system. So while traditional national currency funding is sometimes avalaible, don't let that stop you from being the change. People and organizations wanting to support these economic systems should interact with them themselves: Accept a Community Asset Vouchers or create one redeemable for your own services and donate or exchange it to support this work in a Commitment Pool.

Last update: 2025-03-26
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